Do you know the difference between the planet and the world?
The planet is Mother Earth. Gaia, its land, rivers, lakes, oceans… It’s a living being.
And then there’s the world.
The world is held together by perceptual agreements, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and points of view.
This means that two people can be standing in the same spot on the planet, but be in completely different worlds.
Today, most people stand in a world that’s filled with collective agreements about lack, limitations, and scarcity.
They were taught that there’s not enough good to go around – which creates an experience.
But a different world exists. It literally does.
This world is overflowing with possibility, and those who are living in it, are tapping into a quantum field of infinite potential.
And how did they “get there”?
Through either pain or insight. Normally both.
The purpose of every single crisis is to wake us up to our true, unlimited nature.
But this awakening can also happen through insight, a life-changing experience, a revelation that’s so powerful that you can’t “unsee” it.
Most of us get our wake-up calls through pain for one simple reason:
We tend to wait till life gets really uncomfortable to even start considering the possibility of surrendering our little self’s agenda to greater wisdom. (Me hehe resisting to come back home – Brazil – only to find out that this time here was all I needed…)
But no matter where we now stand – resistance or flow – we are constantly being called to this quantum reality.
There’s always a book, a phrase, a person, or a song inviting us to play in this creative, limitless world.
When you see the sign, when you hear the call, when you feel the invitation, you have only one job:
Not to doubt it.
Because you will experience the wonders of this new world to the degree that you believe in its existence.
Rio de Janeiro, Junho de 2022.