We grew up in a world that taught us that “Great things take time”.
Hm… Yes and no?
I believe that great things take FOCUS. And focus doesn’t mean productivity. It CAN mean that, but not necessarily.
Focus means having more thoughts about what you want than about what you don’t want. Focus means having an AHA moment and then doing your best to maintain it throughout the day. Focus means choosing to highlight what’s working instead of what’s not.
Focus means being confident enough to walk away from conversations that feel awful and lead nowhere. Focus means putting your phone away even when your self-sabotage patterns want you to be checking everyone’s “success” while doing nothing that truly fulfills you.
And yeah, having focus can mean working ten hours in one day cause you’re alive and healthy and super inspired and feel like there’s no time to waste.
You’ll know. When it’s right, it FEELS right. Not comfortable. Right.
You can be focused for a month and accomplish way more vibrationally (meaning, feeling better) and physically (seeing change right before your eyes) than you have in a whole year.
That’s because the Universe isn’t playing games with us, setting up certain dates to deliver what we want, waiting for us to ‘deserve’ it.
No. Actually, It’s the opposite.
First of all, we realize that we’re worthy and deserving no matter what. Then we admit that, ultimately, no one is holding us back but ourselves.
Finally, it’s inevitable — we take action. Action that creates momentum that, sooner or later, make ourselves a match to what we want. Period.
Time is neutral. It can mean nothing. But focus, my friend…
Focus is everything.
India, Nov 2019.